Parasitological Days
Dear colleagues and friends,
We warmly invite you to the XVth Slovak and Czech Parasitology Days Conference, which will be held in Slovakia under the auspices of the Slovak Society for Parasitology, the Czech Society for Parasitology, the Institute of Zoology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Parasitology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. We will welcome you to the beautiful surroundings of central Ponitrie at the foothills of the Považský Inovec mountain range.
You can expect a rich program, pleasant company, intriguing lectures, and international experts whom we have had the privilege to invite on the occasion of this significant event.
Students will traditionally have the opportunity to participate in the student competition for the best oral presentation and poster. The top three positions in each category will be awarded.
Tesáre - Nové mlyny, Recreation Center
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Monday to Friday
13. - 17. May 2024
Organizing Team

Michal Chvostáč
Zdeno Špitalský
Veronika Rusňáková Tarageľová
Diana Selyemová
Eva Špitalská
Markéta Derdáková
Alžbeta Šujanová
Yuliya Didyk
Barbara Mangová + Libuša
Slávka Purgatová
Mária Kazimírová
Zuzana Hurníková
Invited speakers
Here are some of our speakers

Lorenza Beati

Carolina R. F. Chagas
Lithuania, Brazil
Event Schedule
The conference is dedicated to overall knowledge on all taxa of parasites of humans, wildlife, domestic animals, pets and plants.
The particular topics are:
Within the framework of the conference, a Nordic Walking course will be held with a certified level 2 instructor. The number of places is limited. If you wish to register, please write us an email. We provide NW poles or you can bring your own.
Arrival and registration of participants.
Dinner and get-together party.
Opening ceremony of the XV. Slovak and Czech Parasitological Days.
Plenary lecture I

Carolina R.F. Chagas, K. Valavičiūtė-Pocienė, M. Kazak, M. Duc, D. Bukauskaitė, C. Hernández-Lara, R. Bernotienė:
Haemoproteus parasites and Culicoides biting midges, complex interactions still to be unravelled.
(Chairman: Stanko M., Paulauskas A.)
Tomáš Scholz:
Gaps in parasitological research in the molecular & omics era..
Volodimir Sarabeev, S. Shvydka, O. Lisitsyna, M. Oros, M. Miterpáková, M. Ždímalová:
The sample size matters: evaluating minimum and optimum values in prevalence studies.
Andrea Bardůnek Valigurová,J. Schrével, I. Florent, T.G. Simdyanov, G.G. Paskerova:
Neglected taxa shed light on the diversity and evolution of parasitism strategies in Apicomplexa.
Coffee break
(Chairman: Šujanová A., Jirků K.)
Eva Chrappová, A. Šujanová:
Blood parasites of the order Hemosporida and their possible impact to physiology stress of avian host. (student).
Iva Hammerbauerová, E. Richtrová, K. Kybicová, P. Pajer, W. Ballhorn, K. Volfová, V. Kempf, J. Votýpka:
Bartonella in red deer and deer keds. (student)
Šimon Zeman, J. Skuhrovec, J. Votýpka:
Wanted: Alive – Using citizen science to explore the diversity of Monoxenous trypanosomatids in invasive true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). (student)
Kateřina Jirků, Z. Lhotská, K. Brožová, A. Kašparová, O. Kadlecová, M. Šloufová, M. Oborník, M. Jirků:
Gut protists in gut-healthy humans and animals: Challenging existing paradigm.
Alžbeta Šujanová, C. Keckeisen, T. Himmel, J. Matt, N. Nedorost, C. R. F. Chagas, H. Weissenböck, J. Harl:
Isospora and Lankesterella parasites (Eimeriidae, Apicomplexa) of passerine birds in Europe.
(Chairman: Kutsokon Y., Rahmouni Ch.)
Farshad Nejat, M. Benovics, C. Kaya, S. Aksu, A. Abdoli, A.S. Tarkan, A. Šimková:
Diversity, phylogeny, and phylogeography of Dactylogyrus (Monogenea) in the Middle East: what to expect from? (student)
Chahrazed Rahmouni, M. Seifertová, A. Šimková:
Unveiling the diversity and evolutionary patterns of Gyrodactylus (Gyrodactylidae) communities in Nearctic cypriniform fish hosts: insights from species richness, morphology, and molecular phylogeny.
Andrea Šimková, E. Řehulková, M. Seifertová:
Host-specific parasites revealing the biogeographical contacts of freshwater fish.
Yuliia Kutsokon, V. Yuryshynets, Y. Kvach:
Parasites as biological tags of self-spreading populations of neolimnetic fish species.
Chahrazed Rahmouni, M. Seifertová, M. Bean, A. Šimková:
New discovery and phylogenetic position of Salsuginus parasite (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) in Western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis).
Andrea Šimková, M. M. H. Fuad, M. Ondračková, T. Tichopád, K. Civáňová Křížová, M. Seifertová, K. Voříšková, M. Demko, L. Vetešník:
Diplostomum pseudospathaceum (Trematoda) inducing differential immune gene expression in asexual and sexual gibel carp (Carassius gibelio).
Coffee break
(Chairman: Benovics M., Kuzmina T.)
Lucia Anettová, A. Šipková, J. Kačmaříková, V. Velič, L. Cavallo, E. I. Rodriguez, I. Dyková, E. R. Morgan, D. Modrý:
Comparative analysis of paratenic hosts' infectivity by Angiostrongylus cantonensis: Exploring varied host responses. (student)
Jana Kačmaříková, R. Coufal, A. Šipková, D. Pandian, P. Foronda, D. Modrý, B. Červená:
Fast and curious: the role of agile snails in Angiostrongylus cantonensis life cycle.
Zuzana Hurníková, R. Mariščáková, M. Miterpáková:
Newly established parasites and new challenges for veterinary practice in Slovakia.
Daniela Antolová, M. Miterpáková, F. Ondriska, V. Boldiš:
Human dirofilarisis in Slovakia - or "Hey, Doctor, something is moving under my skin!"
Poster session I. (5 min. presentation + 5 min. discussion - student posters) + Wine tasting
(Chairman: Roller L.)
A. Rashydov,O. I. Lisitsyna, O. B. Greben, M. Oros, V. L. Sarabeev:
Taxonomic evaluation of the digeneans (Trematoda) of Gammarus balcanicus and G. fossarum in eastern Slovakia. (student)
M. Kaduková,A. Schreiberová, G. Štrkolcová:
Is uncinariosis zoonotic diseases? (student)
N. Moradpoor,D. Okena, V. František, D.Cizkova, V. Novotny, J. Goüy de:
Preliminary study on the helminths of rodents of the Finisterre Range, New Guinea. (student)
V. Vanerková,A. Purkart, M. Benovics:
Intestinal parasites of the European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) from selected parts of Slovakia. (student)
N. Janošková, A. Schreiberová, Ľ. Korytár, A. Kočišová:
Molecular identification of bloodmeals and species composition in Culicoides biting midges in the Bird ringing station Drienovec. (student)
V. Blažeková, M. Stanko, D. Zubriková, L. Vargová, M. Bona, B. Víchová:
Preliminary results of molecular screening of the presence of Ixodiphagus spp. in ticks (Ixodida) across urban and mountain areas. (student)
M. Renčo, A. Čerevková, E. Gömöryová:
Close-to-Nature forest management alters soil nematode communities and microbial activity in pine plantations on aeolian sands.
E. Špitalská, M. Ševčík, Ye.-Yu. Peresh, P. Benda:
Bartonella in bat flies from the Egyptian fruit bat in the Middle East.
T.A. Kuzmina, A. Königová, L. Burcáková, M. Babjak, Y. Syrota:
Strongylids of domestic horses in Slovakia: species diversity and strongylid community structure.
A. Königová, L. Burcáková, T.A. Kuzmina, C.J. Austin, J.B. Matthews, K.L. Lightbody, N.A. Peczak, Y. Syrota, M. Várady:
Anoplocephalosis in horses: immunological versus coprological methods and risk factor analysis.
P. Komorová, M. Miterpáková, Z. Hurníková:
Small mammals as a reservoir of zoonotic parasites Trichinella spp. and Capillaria hepatica.
M. Orosová, M. Marková, D. Barčák, M. Oros:
B chromosomes occurrence in Acanthocephalus lucii and A. anguillae: Effect of environmental pollution?
A. Schreiberová, M. Kaduková, M. Kožár, B. Šišková, G. Štrkolcová:
Molecular and phylogenetic analysis of Crenosoma vulpis in dog.
D. Barčák, C. Kibet, M. Orosová, M. Oros, R. Kuchta, R. Keshura Morinket:
Engaging of environmental DNA approach in monitoring of avian schistosomes in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
M. Komáromyová, D. Petrič, A. Königová, M. Babják, Z. Váradyová, M. Várady:
Impact of pasture enriched with chicory on experimental haemonchosis.
R. Milcheva, Z. Hurniková, K. Todorova, V. Dilcheva, S. Petkova, P. Janega, P. Babál:
Down-regulation of neuronal form of Nitric oxide synthase in the Nurse cell of Trichinella spiralis.
M. Karasová, Cs. Tóthová, S. Grelová, B. Vichová:
Protist colonization alters the gut microbiome and accelerates recovery from gut inflammation in the animal model.
Z. Lhotská, V. Billy, M. Jirků, O. Kadlecová, L. Frgelecová, L. Wegener Parfrey, K. Jirků:
Protist colonization alters the gut microbiome and accelerates recovery from gut inflammation in the animal model.
R. Pecková, K. Doležal, B. Sak, D. Květoňová, M. Kváč, I. Petřík, W. Nucarhyo, I. Foitová:
Effect of selected Indonesian plants on Giardia intestinalis in an experimental in vitro model.
M. Kváč, A. Konvalinová, N. Holubová, Z. Hůzová, K. Beranová, M. Kicia, J. McEvoy, B. Sak:
Cryptosporidium mortiferum: first case in human and synanthropic rodents as source of infection in the Czech Republic.
D. Antolová, M. Stanko, J. Jarošová, V. Dandárová:
Rodents as reservoirs for Toxoplasma gondii in different ecosystems in Slovakia – seroprevalence study.
Round table – Council of the Slovak Society for Parasitology>
Breakfast with professors:
Lorenza Beati M.D. Ph.D., Vitaliy O. Kharchenko DrSci., Dr. Hab., Franz Rubel, Prof., Dr., Olaf Kahl, Dr., Mária Kazimírová, RNDr., CSc.
Plenary lecture II.

M. Pękacz, K. Slivinska, K. Basałaj, A. Kalinowska, A. Wesołowska, A. Vyniarska, O. Kysterna, A. Klietsov, J. Gawor, V. Kharchenko, M. Miterpáková, A. Zawistowska-Deniziak:
Unveiling biohazard threats: Molecular surveillance of D. repens, D. immitis, and A. reconditum in stray animals amidst military war in Ukraine.
(Chairman: Hurniková Z., Scholz T.)
Anna Marková, M. Orosová, P. Mora Ruiz:
Initial satellitome analysis of two Acanthocephalus species: searching for new potential cytogenetic markers. (student)
Anna Šipková, L. Anettová, K. Javorská, D. Pandian, P. Cibulka, J. Kačmaříková, D. Modrý:
Role of hedgehogs in the life cycle of Angiostrongylus cantonensis. (student)
Miroslava Petrová, E. Dvorožňáková, S. O. Kim:
Modulation of M1/M2 macrophages by excretory-secretory products of T. spiralis larvae.
Algimantas Paulauskas, S. Misailovė-Ribokė, I. Lipatova, I. Ražanskė, V. Mažeika, A. Kibiša:
Molecular characterization of Dictyocaulus spp. lungworms in wild ungulates in Lithuania.
Coffee break
(Chairman Korytár Ľ., Oros M.)
Sponsorship presentation: Jana Lev, I. Šišková:
Revolution in plasmid isolation.
Ivanna Dmytriieva:
Helminth diversity in Pelophylax spp. and Rana temporaria in Lithuania. (student)
Michal Benovics, D. Schönigerová, P. Papežík, P. Mikulíček:
Diversity of trematode parasites in European water frogs of genus Pelophylax.
Mikuláš Oros, T. Scholz, R. Kuchta, D. Barčák:
The little-known Metagonimus romanicus with zoonotic potential.
Ľuboš Korytár, A. Ondrejková, J. Sitko, I. Literák, P. Petroušková:
Collyriclum faba infestation in the Great reed warbler.
Trip to Eko Park Piešťany
Plenary lecture III.

Lorenza Beati:
Ticks population genetics: tools and future venues.
(Chairman Derdáková M., Kahl O.)
Kati Ryynänen, M. Šišák:
Proven performance in diagnostics of Lyme Borreliosis and Neuroborreliosis (sponsorship presentation).
Olaf Kahl, W. Knülle:
Active water vapour uptake in unfed and engorged Dermacentor marginatus (Acari, Ixodidae).
Franz Rubel:
Visualization of the distribution of Central European tick species on the virtual globe.
Coffee break
(Chairman Rusňáková Tarageľová V., Didyk Yu.)
Justina Snegiriovaitė, J. Radzijevskaja, I. Lipatova, M. Razgūnaitė, A. Paulauskas:
The distribution of Ixodid ticks and their infection with Borrelia spp. in urban and peri-urban parks in Lithuania. (student)
Mária Kazimírová, B. Mangová, M. Chvostáč, Yu. M. Didyk, S. Purgatová, D. Selyemová, V. Rusňáková Tarageľová, L. Schnittger:
The role of big game in the epidemiology of tick-borne diseases in Slovakia.
V. Rusňáková Tarageľová, D. Selyemová, B. Mangová, M. Chvostáč, Y.M. Didyk, M. Kazimírová, S. Purgatová, Z. Balogh, E. Gatial,Markéta Derdáková:
Citizen science in tick research in Slovakia (INFOTICK).
Michal Stanko, L. Mošanský, I. Heglasová, V. Blažeková, B. Víchová:
Impact of microhabitats on species richness and tick densities in karst habitats of Slovakia.
Juraj Koči, S. Bista, P. Chirania, X. Yang, Ch. Kitsou, V. S. Rana, O. Buyuktanir Yas, D. E. Sonenshine, U. Pal:
Antibodies against EGF-like domains in Ixodes scapularis BM86 orthologs impact tick feeding and survival of Borrelia burgdorferi.
H. Frantová, M. Garcia-Guizzo, K. Číhalová, S. Lu, M. Tonk, T. Kozelková, J. Perner, J.M. Ribeiro, L. Žůrek, P. Kopáček:
Midgut immunity of Ixodes ricinus – What is behind the unstable midgut microbiome of the tick?
(Chairman: Daubnerová I., Sojka D.)
Tereza Kozelková, F. Dyčka, S. Lu, V. Urbanová, H. Frantová, D. Sojka, R. Šíma, M. Horn, J. Perner, P. Kopáček:
Insight into the dynamics of the Ixodes ricinus nymphal and adult midgut proteome. (student)
Dušan Žitňan, I. Daubnerová, J. Koči, M. Medla, V. Klockerová, L. Roller:
Expression and function of neuropeptides and their receptors in ticks.
Ladislav Roller, J. Koči, I. Daubnerová, V. Klocklerová, M. Medla, D. Žitňan:
Mapping expression of neuropeptides revealed unique peptidergic cells in the ship tick Ixodes ricinus.
Veronika Urbanová, L. Martins, E. Kalinová, S. Lu, J.M. Ribeiro, J. Perner, O. Hajdušek, T. Kozelková, F. Dyčka, P. Kopáček:
Fat body of tick Ixodes ricinus and immune-related genes.
D. Hartmann, J. Pytelková, K. Orsághová, M. Beňová, N. Chmúrčiaková, P. Talacko, T. Kozelková, Z. Franta, R. Šíma, J. Perner, P. Bartošová- Sojková, V. Urbanová, P. Kopáček, M. Mareš, M. Horn, D. Sojka:
Hard tick Cathepsin L3 - the evolutionary adaptation to the extreme bloodfeeding lifestyle of females.
Poster session II. (5 min. presentation + 5 min. discussion - student posters) + Coffee break
(Chairman: Žitňan D.)
Z. Cellengová, B. Hajdová, B.Peťko:
Unravelling host selection and pathogen diversity through bloodmeal analysis. (student)
S. Purgatová, V. Rusňáková Tarageľová, D. Selyemová, Y. Didyk, M. Kazimírová, B. Mangová, M. Ruivo, M. Wijnveld, Z. Krumpálová:
Seasonal activity of Ixodes ricinus ticks and role of game animals in the circulation of tick-borne pathogens in southwestern Slovakia. (student)
G.A.G. Liberato, I. Dmytriieva, C.R.F. Chagas:
Diversity of blood parasites in Pelophylax sp. from Lithuania. (student)
M. Kaduková, A. Schreiberová, P. Mudroň, C. Tóthová, P. Gomulec, G. Štrkolcová:
Molecular diversity of Cryptosporidium species in the early stage of development in calves. (student)
V. Zikmundová, N. Holubová, B. Sak, M. Kváč:
Cryptosporidium and cryptosporidiosis in reptiles. (student)
J. Fenclová, N. Holubová, B. Sak, R. Konečný, D. Květoňová, L. Hlásková, M. Kváč:
Cryptosporidium muris in domestic cat differs from other murine isolates. (student)
Y. Peresh,
E. Špitalská, M. Kováčová, Z. Špitalský, Ľ. Škultéty: Non-antibiotic elimination of rickettsial infections. (student)
Yu.M. Didyk, B. Mangová, O. Zhovnerchuk, M. Chvostáč, D. Selyemová, V. Rusňáková Taragel’ová:
Urban hedgehogs as important hosts for hard ticks in Slovakia.
B. Fiecek, K. Slivinska, G. Karbowiak, M. Świsłocka, A. Matras, A. Stasiak, J. Werszko, T. Chmielewski, V. Kharchenko:
The first molecular detection of Borrelia miyamotoi in Ixodidae ticks in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine.
L. Minichová, E. Špitalská, K. Palkovičová, P. Chaľová, P. E. Fournier, F. Csicsay, Ľ. Škultéty, Z. Sekeyová:
Analysis of patient sera for the presence of specific antibodies against tick-borne antigens.
V. Rusňáková Tarageľová, D. Selyemová, B. Mangová, M. Chvostáč, Yu.M. Didyk, M. Kazimírová, S. Purgatová, O. Zhovnerchuk, M. Derdáková:
Monitoring of the seasonal activity of Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus ticks in Bratislava using tick gardens.
D. Selyemová, B. Mangová, Yu.M. Didyk, M. Kazimírová, M. Chvostáč, A. Kušniriková, M. Derdáková, V. Rusňáková Tarageľová:
Genetic variability of multihosts pathogen Anaplasma phagocytophilum in southern Slovakia.
K. Loziaková Peňazziová, L. Chitimia-Dobler, T. Csank, B. Peťko, A. Ondrejková, M. Halán, P. Schusterová, S. Pivka, Ľ. Korytár:
The first report of Ixodes ventalloi on migratory birds in Slovakia.
S. Pivka, K. Loziaková Peňazziová, P. Schusterová, I. Cingeľová Maručšáková, B. Hajdová, B. Peťko, O. Kuchta, T. Csank:
Partial phylogenetic analysis of Uukuniemi virus strains isolated from ticks collected from vegetation in eastern Slovakia.
N. Holubová, I. Rudolf, M. Kváč, K. Mravcová, S. Šikutová, B. Sak:
Ticks as potentional vectors of microsporidia.
J. Radzijevskaja, J. Snegiriovaitė, I. Lipatova, M. Razgūnaitė, A. Paulauskas:
Prevalence of Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Neoehrlichia mikurensis in Ixodes ricinus ticks collected in urban areas of Lithuania.
A. Schreiberová, Z. Cellengová, B. Peťko, B. Hajdová:
Occurrence of Rickettsiales from questing ticks in urban districts in Košice (Eastern Slovakia).
I. Daubnerová, L. Roller, D. Žitňan:
Functional characterization of receptors in tick Ixodes ricinus.
V. Klöcklerová, L. Roller, J. Koči, M. Slovák, I. Daubnerová, D. Žitňan:
Characterization of insect parathyroid hormone-like peptide in the hard tick Ixodes ricinus.
M. Chvostáč, B. Mangová, M. Kazimírová, Yu. M. Didyk, R. Caban, S. Purgatová, P. Rajská, V. Rusňáková Tarageľová:
Winter activity of ticks on big game animals in the Small Carpathians (southwestern Slovakia).
F. Rubel:
Ixodes laguri, a grassland and steppe tick that parasitizes critically endangered rodents.
B. Mangová, M. Chvostáč, J. Krištofík, R. Caban, S. Purgatová, P. Rajská, M. Kazimírová:
Winter activity of ectoparasites (deer keds, chewing lice, sucking lice) on game animals in the Small Carpathians (southwestern Slovakia).
A. Kočišová, A. N. Janošková, Schreiberová, M. Halán:
Mosquitoes of selected recreational areas of Slovakia and their host preference.
Trip - Nordic Walking with instructor (max. 10 participants)
Closing ceremony with announcement of the winners of student competitions, Gala dinner
Breakfast and departure of participants
Event Venue
Event venue location info and gallery
Recreation center, Tesáre - Nové mlyny
Tesáre - Nové Mlyny, approximately an hour and a half from the nearest Slovak-Czech border crossing. This makes it an excellent venue for gathering of parasitologists from both the Czech and Slovak republics. Prepare for a conference set in an environment that harmonizes modern amenities with natural beauty and a sports-relaxation area.
If you're not arriving by car but using public transportation, no worries. You can take a bus to the village of Tesáre, and from there, we will arrange transportation directly to the conference area. If you choose this option, please let us know in advance.
SPS or CPS member
250 €
Non-SPS or non-CPS member
300 €
200 €
Accompanying person
110 €
The registration fee covers
- organizing costs
- conference materials
- abstract book
- coffee breaks
- costs for excursions
Accommodation and Catering
Accommodation and meals are not covered by the conference fee, but will be arranged on-site at the conference venue and can be requested during registration. Participants need to arrange accommodation themselves. Accommodation options are available in the Classic or Tourist category. For more information, please visit the website: will have the opportunity to specify dietary preferences and special requirements, including vegetariansm, gluten intolerance, and others, during online registration.
The deadline for submitting abstracts is March 15. Detailed information on submitting abstracts will be sent to all registered participants in the first half of February.
Registration Fee Payment
Please note that the registration fee must be paid by March 15, 2024, same as the abstract deadline.Account for the fee payment is SK 59 0900 000 0050 5215 3052 , please indicate "ParaDays" and the name of the participant.
We announce that the deadline for abstract submission is set for March 15, 2024. Please write your abstract directly into the template found on our website and follow the guidelines provided there. When preparing your abstracts, clearly indicate whether your submission is intended for a lecture or a poster presentation. This will help us in organizing the sessions more efficiently.